Edson & District Public Library presented by Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.

Libraries today, in addition to their physical collection, provide programming and access to information and tools needed to succeed. Libraries are a vital part of community development and resiliency. The Edson & District Public Library was designed in 1979 and built in 1980 serves a community of over 13,000 people. We serve both the Town of Edson residents and a diverse rural population in Yellowhead County. Our patrons include seniors, children, teens, families, Indigenous peoples, newcomers to Canada, those with special needs and vulnerable populations. 

We are a safe place for those in need of shelter and assistance such as children and adults who are lost or at risk, as well as homeless and transient members of our community. The library provides one of the few safe venues for teens and children to go to in our community outside of school and sports and many come to the library after school before going home. Due to the recent funding cuts and subsequent closure of the local Boys’ and Girls’ Club and ParentLink, the demand for this service has become even greater. We partner with Interagency, FCSS, Family Literacy, Community Learning, Early Childhood Matters Coalition, and many other community groups to provide space and services to the community.

We provide free computer access, Wi-Fi, and loanable hubs for at home use in a region with limited internet options, particularly for our rural patrons. Library staff are available for personal training and assistance with technology. These services are vital for underserved and high needs people who cannot afford technology and/or internet or have an unreliable internet connection. Job seekers, telecommuters, workers taking upgrading courses and those applying for benefits, pensions and other social supports also benefit.

As the library recovers from pandemic closures, we see over 250 people per day come through our doors. We pledge to our community to continue to evolve to meet your needs, to serve as a hub for connections and community growth. We will be open and inclusive to everyone.